Heidler Hardwood Lumber

Basswood - Special Widths

Thickness Grade Footage
4/4" 10" Up Select & FAS 0
5/4" 10" Up Select & FAS 3440
6/4" 10" Up Select & FAS 900
8/4" 10" Up Select & FAS 0
10/4" 10" Up Select & FAS 0
12/4" 10" Up Select & FAS 0

Specie Information

    Tilia americana
    Other Name: Linden

    The name comes from its inner bark, or bast, used by Native Americans to make rope.

    Principally the Northern and Lake states.

    The sapwood of basswood is usually quite large and creamy white in color, merging into the heartwood which is pale to reddish brown, sometimes with darker streaks. The wood has a fine uniform texture and indistinct grain that is straight.

    Basswood machines well and is easy to work with hand tools making it a premier carving wood. It nails, screws, and glues fairly well and can be sanded, and stained, to a good smooth finish. It dries fairly rapidly with little distortion or degrade. It has fairly high shrinkage but good dimensional stability when dry.

    The wood is light and soft with generally low strength properties and a poor steam-bending classification.

    Reasonable availability.

    Carvings, turnings, furniture, pattern-making, mouldings, millwork and musical instruments. An important specialized use is Venetian blinds and shutters.

    Together, aspen, basswood, cottonwood, elm, gum, hackberry, sassafras, sycamore and willow represent 12.5 percent of commercially available U.S. hardwoods.

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